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Children's Dentistry in Coral Springs

There are few things cuter than watching a kid wake up with a mouth full of missing teeth. Excited to see what the Tooth Fairy has brought, you can hear their joyful screams from every corner of the house. Those mornings are a treasure for every parent. And when you find a pediatric dentist that…

Dentists in Boca Raton

Tanned bodies and beautiful smiles. If you have ever been to a beach near Boca Raton, you are familiar with just how common this look is. One thing that most people have in common is a desire for whiter, straighter, and all around perfect teeth. And the truth is most people try all sorts of…

Coral Springs Orthodontists

Most people already have a dentist that they go to. But what about your orthodontist? I’m sure you have heard of an orthodontist, but do you actually know what they are responsible for? The purpose of this article is to help anymore looking for Coral Springs orthodontists. We are Coral Springs Dental Center, and our…

Best Coral Springs Dentist 2018

Did you know that people in America most visit the doctor almost 5 times as often as they visit their dentist? Why do you think that is? Statistically, there are two answers that are far more common than any other answers. Fear of pain and inconvenience. Fortunately, these are what we originally based our decisions…

Best Coral Springs Dentists 2018

It is difficult to say exactly what makes one dentist or dental group better than others. It isn’t something that can be simply measured by adding up the total amount of people one dentist serves. Nor is it always easy to explain exactly why we are as loyal to our personal dentist and wouldn’t even…

Dentists in Coral Springs 2018

People became pretty loyal to their dentist once they find a place they are comfortable at. And with good reason. Sitting in a chair, often sedated, with your mouth open and strangers staring down at you is a pretty vulnerable experience. The term nerve-wracking comes to mind. So, we decided to do everything in our…

Coral Springs FL Dentists 2018

Have you ever put off scheduling a dentist appointment? You aren’t alone. Now, why is that? What is it about going to the dentist that makes so many people reluctant and uncomfortable? We decided to ask ourselves these questions and do our part in combatting any issue that we came up with. This is why…

Coral Springs Dentists 2018

Does your tooth hurt whenever you chew on your food?  It might be time to see a dentist.  But wait, right now you might be saying to yourself, “I don’t want to go to the dentist!”  Why is that?  The two most common reasons why people don’t go to the dentist is the fear of…

Local Dentist

Most of us take the health of our teeth for granted. We everything else going on in a normal day, why add something else to the list? Well, if you have ever had a toothache then you know why dental check-ups are important. It is so much better to stay on top of good oral…

Best Dentist 2018

It’s important to see a dentist. Duh. We all know that. So why is it that so many of us neglect to regularly go? Two common complaints are fear of pain and inconvenience. What if I told you that we have found a way to make going to the dentist comfortable and convenient? Because that…

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